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7. Trojan Dictionary

Trojan Dictionary

In the vaults of deceit, the Trojan Dictionary lies, A sinister lexicon, where truth and lies disguise. Words woven with malice, definitions that deceive, A treacherous tome, where trust they try to thieve.   Innocent-looking phrases, with venomous intent, Masking malevolent codes, a digital descent. Each page a trap, awaiting the unwary eye, To infect …

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3. Infinite Dorr-min

Infinite Door

In the realm of dreams, an infinite door reveals its might, A portal to worlds unknown, where imagination takes flight. With a twist of fate, it beckons the adventurous soul, To explore the boundless realms, where mysteries unroll.   Through this doorway, time and space blend into one, Unveiling hidden treasures, like the rays of …

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